Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Recent Publications and Other News

I am still working on the new studio, so am only offering on location or studio grounds portraits at the moment. 

I've had several new pieces published recently:

  • What Color Do You Want to Paint Your Lion will appear in Shot Glass Journal #24
  • The Uneasiness of Librarianship and The Stapler have been accepted for publication in Tell-Tale Inklings #4, out this spring.
  • An untitled six word story will be published in The Gravity of the Thing's upcoming issue.
  • They Said It Is too Cold for Snow will appear in One Person's Trash.
  • Letter to the Squirrel on Stokes Street has been accepted for Civilized Beasts Volume III, an anthology that will be available through Amazon shortly.
  • Upon Causing Disappointment is now up at formercactus. 
  • The Rush is publishing Bus Stop in their upcoming issue. 
  • The Visitors is up at 101 Words.
I have been slowing down on submissions of late. Last year, I challenged myself to submit until I was rejected 100 times and I did. It takes quite a bit of time to submit to magazines you think will be a good fit, as you need to read at least some of the accepted pieces and do a thorough read of the mag's submission policies before making a decision on whether to submit there. I have a number of submissions still pending response, so I am not rushing to get any new work out there. 

I do have five poems to revise and a few flash pieces I'm working on. Perhaps I will give myself a challenge this year, too. Another 100 rejections? Along the way, you do pick up quite a few acceptances, so why not?

I still have my most promising two picture book manuscripts out there waiting. If they are rejected, they'll go right back out to a new publisher, as they get very encouraging feedback with their biannual rejections. (Picture book publishers often take up to a year to respond.)

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A Few Acceptances to Wrap Up the Year

I've been taking two workshops at once - Foremothers - Imitating Women Poets from Poetry Barn, which always has outstanding workshops, and a Flash Fiction mini workshop from Meg Pokrass, who is a fantastic flash and novella in flash author I admire.

With all the writing, I haven't done as much submitting, but I have done some.

I've had three more poems accepted by the literary magazine for WVU, where I'm working on my three year MFA certificate.

I have also had poems accepted by Tuck, Golden Walkman and Social Justice Poetry. I've never recorded myself reading my own poem before, so I was a bit anxious about Golden Walkman, but, after seven tries filled with the joyous voices of canaries or the meowing of a cat, I finally managed.

In other news, the new studio space now has a floor. Next will be new windows. I am still working on location for the most part, as the renovations are taking much longer than expected.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Few More Publications

I'm happy to report that I've had a few more acceptances. I have been recuperating from knee surgery so it is nice to have something cheerful to brighten the days! Being stuck in a chair for two weeks sure gave me a ton of editing and revision time. I was able to use that time to work on some poems I wrote in a recent workshop.

I finished revising From the Nest, submitted it to Noble / Gas Quarterly, which is a magazine I love, and got an acceptance. It was definitely the highlight of last week.

This week's highlight is having 22 staples removed from my knee and graduating to walking with a cane.

Back to poetry and writing - additional November acceptances:

A lovely new journal that I enjoy, Ariel Chart, has accepted a piece of flash fiction entitled Death Is Not a Stranger Here.

Ginosko Literary Journal has accepted my poem Stranger Spots a Young Boy.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Recent and Upcoming Publications

I've been submitting work recently and have had a few pieces published or accepted for future publication. I thought I'd update it in one post so it doesn't clog up the blog.

Califragile - This is a literary journal filled with beautiful poetry. I was very honored to have a piece accepted here! Not Even the Birds Can Be Trusted

One Sentence Poems - When I want to enjoy short poems, I turn to this site. This poem, about my dear little Scottie, found the perfect home with One Sentence Poems. Sophie

Origami Poems - These mini chapbooks are so lovely and simple. I found this site while I was obsessed with folding 1000 cranes for peace. (We folded 2000 and they are beautiful!) Origami Poems has accepted six of my poems to create a mini chapbook.

Halfway Down the Stairs - Feeling stale? Looking for a challenge? Halfway Down the Stairs has themed issues. The current theme of "spilt milk" inspired me to write a poem, which was accepted for publication in the December issue. Look for Que Sera, Kitchen next month.

Bones Journal - I have been experimenting with modern Haiku. Bones is a journal I devour and then go back and re-read a few more times as I await the next issue. I was incredibly pleased to have a piece accepted here. It will appear in an upcoming issue.

Failed Haiku - Another journal I really enjoy reading. You can find my Senryu in issue 22.

Manawaker Studio - This was a fun change of pace. I wrote a piece of flash fiction that was accepted for a podcast. The World Ended One Morning When I Was Almost Thirteen

I have a few more pieces scheduled to appear in upcoming journals. I will try to do another update soon.

A few notes on submitting to journals for aspiring poets and writers:

  1. Read the journal. Seriously. Before you submit, find at least a few sample pieces and read them. I don't know how many times I've thought a publication seemed perfect for a piece when I read the submission notes, only to read the actual published work and realize it is not right at all. 
  2. Polish your work. I once had a piece rejected because a team of readers couldn't get past the hyphen  that should have been a dash. I got a very nice rejection outlining what they loved, which was everything but the hyphen, and a request for more work without punctuation errors. A typo can kill a poem.
  3. Submit your stuff. Submit more. Rinse and repeat. I decided to do the collect 100 rejections challenge this year. I haven't gotten to 100 rejections yet, but I have received a number of acceptances from journals I admire. If you don't submit and you aren't willing to face rejection, you won't be published.
  4. Keep writing. Don't sit and refresh your email. Write new stuff. Write better stuff. Write. Write. Write. 
  5. Be open to improvement - Take a workshop. Take a class. Listen to editor feedback.
  6. Read more journals. Read chapbooks. The more you read, the better you'll become.
  7. Keep track of stuff. I use Submittable and Duotrope to stay organized. If you aren't submitting a ton of stuff, you can use a simple spreadsheet. I also use a folder system. Published work goes into the folder on my computer labeled Published Work. Poetry goes into Drafts and Finished Poetry folders. 

It sounds so simple, doesn't it? That's because it really is. Submitting your best work to journals that are the best fit leads to publication. 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Braver Together

Oliver closed his eyes and wished for November. It didn't work. The spookiest time of the year was here. He ran over to his closet and pulled open the door.

A green monster cowered in the shadows.

"Aw, Sam, I'm so sorry," said Oliver. " I just was so worried about how scary Halloween is that I forgot to knock."

"Th..that's ok," said Sam. "I'm sc...scared, too."

"Maybe we can go trick or treating together," said Oliver. "No one will know you are really a monster. I'll wear my chicken costume."

"N...no candy corn," said Sam.

"Deal," said Oliver.

The above children's short story is an entry in the Halloweensie Writing Contest.

Join the fun:


Friday, October 27, 2017

OctPoWriMo Day 27 - Closet Dreams

Today's prompt was something to do with flowers and memories:

Closet Dreams

Lavender scent unwinds from unfurled buds
to send me back to the day I slipped into
my grandma's closet to don skyscraper red
heels and the fox stole with accusing marble eyes.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

OctPoWriMo Day 21

When I Miss Baltimore

I bite into blandness -
close my eyes to savor
the homecoming that is
elbow macaroni with
staid American cheese
crusted with panko from
the can because even
crumbled crackers are
too sophisticated for
mac and cheese made 
from childhood memories.